COVID 19 has found a population that is unprotected and uninformed. This has caused an unknown number of deaths in the country. In Veracruz, since the beginning of the pandemic approximately 50 plus persons have died including two of our beneficiaries.
Students at both the primary and secondary school are given masks and alcohol as supplies last. We understand that the science states that children may have less deadly symptoms of the disease but at the same time they can also be silent carriers of COVID 19 into their homes and families.
Additionally, the ANS-TCF staff goes from house to house replenishing masks and alcohol to protect our population.
Schools have reopened this year as if nothing had occurred. Masks are not required, alcohol spray is not available and, as always, the water supply is lacking.
The lack of water during the dry season has only worsened in the town of Veracruz and the villages of Piedra Menuda and Buena Vista, where the shortage is so bad that water is trucked into the area and distributed from house to house at a rate of 100 gallons per house per week no matter what the family size is.
These factors, inexistent testing, no vaccines, and no safety protocols have led ANS-TCF to take a role in Covid Mitigation. Working with the most affected groups in the community, ANS-TCF has provided surgical masks, cloth masks, and alcohol spray bottles to all the elderly and chronically sick beneficiaries.
We have been able to give employment to persons who are making the masks in their homes and thus are receiving an income to provide for their families. These ladies produce double-sided cloth masks which are handed out to anyone and everyone willing to use them. We are fortunate that in Nicaragua, people don’t have any problem using masks if they are provided to them.
Contribute to the health and education of children and families who would otherwise stay chained to an endless a cycle of poverty.
Feel free to contact us to know more. Get in touch with us and let us know your comments, questions, or suggestions.
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© Assisting Nicaraguan Society - The Children's Fund 501(c)(3) 2025
Assisting Nicaraguan Society – The Children’s Fund, Inc is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by the law. Our US Tax ID Number is 86-3466862.