A forest of paper has been used to study and demonstrate that undernourished children do not have the capacity to fully benefit from education. Reduced or lack of a balanced diet during the primary development years causes negative effects on the children’s cognizant skills.
We do this by adding protein through dairy, meats, beans, or other pulses to the diets of families with less financial capacity. Supplementing the nutrition of children that are no longer receiving mothers’ milk, is the next step in our activities and one that needs to be prioritized, once funding is available for this.
Baby formulas are extremely expensive in Nicaragua and that has been one of the major constraints to implementation.
ANS-TCF recognizes that one of the major constraints in “poverty diets” is the reduction of or lack of protein sources. This happens because they have a much higher cost and are therefore not accessible to parents.
Reduced or lack of a balanced diet during the primary development years causes negative effects on the children’s cognizant skills.
For some, if caught early enough the problem can be reduced. For others, it is too late, and the skills needed to completely benefit from education are lost.
The diet of Nicaraguan poor is extremely high in carbohydrates and sugars and extremely low in proteins and vitamins, the food is meant to fill an empty stomach, not to provide the nutrition required.
ANS-TCF has found that a portion of these children simply cannot see the blackboard or the letters in their textbooks. They don’t have a learning disability; they have an eyesight problem that can be solved through testing and the use of glasses.
In some cases, the family knows of the existing problem but cannot afford eyeglasses but in most, it’s simply a matter of lack of testing.
We work at a community level, hand-in-hand with parents and families to assist them and break the chains of bondage to poverty.
Feel free to contact us to know more. Get in touch with us and let us know your comments, questions, or suggestions.
Your Help Can Make a Difference in a Child’s Future
© Assisting Nicaraguan Society - The Children's Fund 501(c)(3) 2025
Assisting Nicaraguan Society – The Children’s Fund, Inc is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by the law. Our US Tax ID Number is 86-3466862.