About Us

ASSISTING NICARAGUAN SOCIETY-THE CHILDREN’S FUND is made up of a diverse group of persons who have united based on the simple values of love, compassion, and human kindness.​

We are a 501(c) Non-for-Profit Organization working with the Nicaraguan community to invest in health, food security, and education as a tool to improve children’s lives and reduce poverty

Our Goal Is Give People The Best Future They Can Hope For

We work with families that live in villages and towns in the Department of Masaya, Republic of Nicaragua. This is where our offices are located and from which we operate in the area. 

This allows us to be in constant contact with the communities and maintain a very program of home visits, follow up and continuous monitoring of those persons that have no one. We are people-focused and people-driven, we maintain an open-door policy for everyone in our working area as this permits us to be able to act and react to the changing nature of our environment and to pin-point areas of crisis or emergencies, be this one of our children or entire families.

Unlike other organizations that work using a staircase methodology, Main Office- Country Office-Program, we live, plan and act where the person we have chosen to work with lives. This allows us to be extremely efficient in the use of our members’ funds as we don’t have to shoulder a top-heavy beaurocracy, and instead we use your funds where they are needed, directly in the communities.

We work with human beings, who have names, differing personalities, varying sets of values. The same as the persons who are members of ANS-TCF. 

Our goal is to help people not to create or produce numbers.

We Are Evolving In The Right Direction

As our name states, we initially began working with children from poor families. But, we immediately realized that this focus was wrong. 

A child who is hungry obviously comes from a family that is also hungry. A child who is sick, can transmit the disease to other family members . With COVID 19 and multiple aged family members living and sleeping in cramped spaces, this became a sad and fatal fact.

We understood that you can’t look at a family unless you see the sum of  all the members. Hunger, disease, and lack of opportunities does not look at ages. It encompasses all. 

We began to see high mortality in family members who were unable or did not leave home, so it was obvious that the disease was being brought home by family members – in many cases thru school-age children, jam-packed in classrooms with no protection, “silent killers”.

We shifted to look at the whole family as a single entity. What affected one usually affected all. Today we have a strong elderly nutrition and health program and COVID mitigation activities encompass the whole family.

Yet we have not lost our focus. Healthy, educated children are the future and the wealth of a nation.

$0.50 a Day

That's All You Need For a Month to Buy Shoes for One Child — Shoes They Can Use For The Entire School Year

We know we can’t save the world, but we can change the life of those who can. 

That is why we work at a community level and within the families of those communities—We can pinpoint who needs a pair of glasses, which medicines they take, and what school supplies they are missing.

We Are A Family​

We started small and that allows for a fluid and continuous relation with the members. 

We feel that if we lose that sense of family, we can become just another organization that seemingly considers that their main goals are to create fund drives, sending form letters while talking numbers and not people. We don’t want to de-humanize the support and assistance to other humans.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us to know more. Get in touch with us and let us know your comments, questions, or suggestions.


Contribute to the health and education of children and families who would otherwise stay chained to an endless a cycle of poverty.